Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Colored Pencil Authentic Pansy Girl Journal

Colored Pencil Pansy Girl
wearing her big blue skirt with the even bigger purple pansies.
Not Caring if she looks like everyone else.
 Just being herself, just being authentic.

I've tried to be NOT authentic, making art that seems to sell.
I've tried to draw girls with tilted heads and birds and
one motivational word that will change your life.
Just can't make happen!
My pen and pencil reek of moral passion
that causes me to only draw what is
and sincere
and original
for me and only me!


  1. Your work is amazing...love the effect you get from your colored pencils.. I know few that can do what you do.

  2. Thanks for the visit - that was a fun surprise!! Wow, how you can draw - I wish I had the patience to try. I can see the time that goes into all that detail - just wonderful!! And I love your sentiment behind being authentic. I am right there with you!!

    xoxo Silke

  3. I like your authentic girl!! I applaud her attitude. Keepit up.



   Merry Christmas