Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Septuagenarian Artist's Journal


Introducing my latest self-published book,
 "The Septuagenarian Artist's Journal", 
available on Amazon.

Dear Fellow Artists,

I look in the mirror and wonder - who is that person - that pudgy gray-haired lady. In my head I am still young.  I have learned I will never feel grown-up. The growing up never stops. The wanting more – the learning, reading, painting, drawing, doing, the knowing – it never stops. The BECOMING never comes. 

So here in my seventh decade I have finally taken some time for self-reflection. I am examining my artistic journey by compiling a list of questions to better understand the what, where, when, and why I am an artist. The purpose is to identify my artistic motivation,  my talents, my weak areas, and the best direction for me to continue. 

I have addressed these questions in my journal – a very messy personal journal that I prefer not to share. However, I will share the questions along with a few of my art journal pages and a sampling of my art. 

Ponder the questions yourself and do with them what you want. I  hope they help you discover your artistic  self.


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