Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2012 Goal . . .the ball point pen

One of my GOALS for 2012 is to try something new
a new medium
remembering, of course, it can't cost anything,
it can't take up anymore room than I already have,
and I must be able to work small

So, I decided to try
not a big stretch, since I doodle everyday with one pen or another
as I'm a consumate doodleller, doodler, how do you spell that?

Anyway - I digress -
I read in my 15 minutes of  research that in recent years
(probably recent like 10 or 15),
the ballpoint pen has become a popular medium for artists,
even professional artists (that makes it authentic).

The instrument offers slow results,
with little or no preparation required,
along with portability,
and relative low cost.

lowcost - portability - no preparation
this just cries out for me!!

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